Our Story

In 1988 the land was purchased by Ebrahim Kariel and named Valota Farm, after the village in India from which his father hailed.

The land was conventionally farmed prior to purchase and up to March 2020. 2ha of the 13ha of land was cultivated.

In April 2020, all chemical sprays and pesticides were stopped in the growing processes and biologicals were introduced.

Also in April 2020, just like the rest of South Africa we were facing lockdown and lost clients. With help from a friend’s Facebook post that went viral, we gained much exposure and made many new market connections. We also launched our online store and sold veg boxes delivered to the door.

May 2020, we stopped the use of chemical fertilisers and embraced organic growing principles. We introduced into our farming methods processes such as planting cover crops, composting and low tilling.

In September 2020, we cultivated a further 0,5ha of land, making the total cultivated land 2,5ha. We also introduced more biodiversity and pollinator havens.


January 2021- Current

Since 2021 we have cultivated another 3.5ha of land on the farm making the total cultivated land 6ha. We now specialise in microgreens, baby salad mixes and salad herbs servicing primarily the hospitality industry via various wholesalers. You can also find our produce in retail stores/markets such as the infamous and much loved OZCF Market, Wild Sprout; Constantia and Kenilworth and LA Farms Deli in Greenpoint. 

We are also proudly Organic Certified for the past 2 years by PGS SA.

Our farm slogan “Farming with Nature” encapsulates our vision, passion and principles…to harness all the goodness nature has to offer to create a harmonious farming environment. We pride ourselves in growing produce organically with love and care bringing you wholesome, nutritious produce of exceptional quality.

So when you think Valota Farming, think pure earlthy goodness.